Key takeaways from this year’s A-level results

Berita, Informasi356 Dilihat

Unique challenges characterized this year’s A-levels, encompassing both the examination process and the resulting outcomes. Students receiving their grades on Thursday encountered three years of learning disruptions attributable to the pandemic.

Diverse experiences emerged as the impact of school closures varied among individuals, contingent on factors such as the severity of Covid-19’s impact on communities and the level of preparedness of schools in transitioning to remote learning.

This year holds a distinct characteristic as A-level students, who had their GCSE exams canceled in 2020, encountered their first experience with public examinations during this summer.

In response to the extensive disruptions, several mitigating measures were implemented, including the provision of advanced topic information. Considering these circumstances, here are the five significant takeaways from this year’s results.

Decline in Top Grades:
There has been a decrease in the proportion of top A-level results in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland compared to the previous year. In 2021, 44.8% of exams achieved A* or A grades, whereas this year, that figure dropped to 36.4%.

However, it is important to note that this percentage remains higher than the 2019 levels, which was the last year when results were based on public exams.

While it is expected that certain students may experience disappointment, the decline in top grades also aligns with the strategy outlined by Ofqual, the exam regulatory body in England.

Their plan aimed to moderate the significant grade inflation observed in 2020 and 2021, when exams were canceled and teacher-assessed grades were utilized. Similar approaches were implemented in Wales and Northern Ireland.

Among students embarking on their university journey, the fiercest competition was witnessed for admission to the most academically selective universities and courses.

In general, Ucas, the university admissions service, reported that a significant 65.3% of students who applied to UK universities were offered admission to their preferred choice of institution.

Regional Disparities Continue:
Regional disparities in A-level grades persist within England. In London, 39% of A-levels achieved A* and A grades, while in the north east of England, the corresponding figure stood at 30.8%. Last year, the percentages were 47.9% in London and 39.2% in the north east.

It is noteworthy that the students who received their results on Thursday were in Year 11 when the pandemic hit, leading to nationwide school closures during the subsequent national lockdowns.

Continued school closures affected students during their Year 12, and many of them faced additional disruptions caused by Covid at the start of Year 13.

However, the impact of disruption was not uniform across all students. The degree of influence varied depending on the severity of the pandemic’s impact on different regions and the level of support and adaptability demonstrated by schools and families during periods of closure.

In March, Members of Parliament (MPs) expressed concerns about the “devastating” consequences of school closures in England during the pandemic, highlighting the resulting increase in inequality.

The Department for Education recognized the significant impact in certain regions and implemented catch-up tutoring programs to support students who had experienced the greatest learning loss.

Ongoing support measures remain in place; however, starting from September, funds for arranging tutoring will be directly allocated to schools in England. Previously, the government employed a company to facilitate the matching of schools with tutors.

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